AI Prompts for Schools

ChatGPT Prompts for Medical Students

AI Prompts for Schools

ChatGPT prompts for healthcare professionals

  1. Patient communication
  2. Medical documentation
  3. Medical research
  4. Healthcare policy and ethics
  5. Medical education and training
  6. Interdisciplinary collaboration
  7. Public health and prevention
  8. Medical practice management
  9. Mental health and wellbeing
  10. Healthcare marketing and outreach
  11. Patient privacy and data security
  12. Telemedicine and remote patient care
AI Prompts for Schools

ChatGPT prompts for medical writers

1. Instruction Prompts

These prompts provide specific instructions to guide ChatGPT’s response.


  • “Write a detailed explanation of the mechanism of action of insulin in the body.”
  • “Compose a summary of the latest research on the benefits of exercise for cardiovascular health.”

2. Question Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to provide answers or explanations.


  • “What are the risk factors associated with developing type 2 diabetes?”
  • “Explain the potential side effects of a specific medication used in cancer treatment.”

3. Scenario Prompts

These prompts present a hypothetical situation for ChatGPT to address.


  • “Imagine a patient presenting with symptoms of a heart attack. Provide an overview of the recommended emergency response.”
  • “Describe a case study involving the successful management of a rare medical condition.”

4. Comparative Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to compare or contrast different aspects.


  • “Compare the efficacy of two different treatment approaches for chronic pain management.”
  • “Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of various surgical techniques for a specific procedure.”

5. Opinion Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to express a perspective or opinion on a medical topic.


  • “Provide your perspective on the impact of telemedicine in improving access to healthcare.”
  • “Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding organ transplantation.”

6. Definition Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to define medical terms or concepts.


  • “Explain the concept of herd immunity and its significance in public health.”
  • “Define the term ‘informed consent’ and discuss its importance in medical practice.”

7. Diagnosis Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to suggest possible diagnoses based on symptoms.


  • “Based on a set of symptoms, suggest possible differential diagnoses for a specific patient case.”
  • “Discuss the diagnostic criteria and challenges associated with identifying a rare genetic disorder.”

8. Treatment Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to outline treatment options for specific conditions.


  • “Outline evidence-based treatment options for a specific mental health disorder.”
  • “Provide recommendations for managing chronic pain in elderly patients.”

9. Explanation Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to provide explanations of medical processes or phenomena.


  • “Explain the process of blood clot formation and its implications for cardiovascular health.”
  • “Describe the pathophysiology of a common autoimmune disease and its impact on the body.”

10. Research Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to summarise recent research findings on specific topics.


  • “Summarise recent studies on the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing anxiety symptoms.”
  • “Discuss the latest advancements in gene therapy and its potential applications in treating genetic disorders.”

11. Patient Education Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to generate patient-friendly educational materials.


  • “Develop a patient-friendly brochure explaining the importance of vaccinations and addressing common concerns.”
  • “Write a step-by-step guide for patients on managing a chronic condition through lifestyle modifications.”

12. Procedural Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to describe step-by-step procedures for medical interventions.


  • “Describe the steps involved in conducting a clinical trial, from study design to data analysis.”
  • “Provide guidelines for healthcare professionals on performing a specific medical procedure safely and effectively.”

13. Ethical Dilemma Prompts

These prompts ask ChatGPT to discuss ethical considerations in healthcare.


  • “Discuss the ethical implications of genetic testing for determining an individual’s predisposition to certain diseases.”
  • “Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding patient-assisted suicide, including the principles of autonomy, beneficence and non-maleficence.”

14. Feedback prompts

These prompts require ChatGPT to provide feedback or suggestions on a product, service or idea.


  • “What feedback do you have for my website?”
  • “Do you have any suggestions for improving this article?”

15. Empathy prompts

These prompts encourage ChatGPT to show empathy or understanding.


  • My reader has terminal cancer, can you provide some suggestions to help her feel better?”
  • My reader is feeling anxious about their recent health diagnosis, can you give me give suggestions to help him cope?

Other types of prompts

While the above examples are for medical content, the below general examples may be helpful in your medical writing projects, too. These are generic prompts you can use in any type of writing project – or in everyday life!

  • Open-ended prompts: “What do you think about MailChimp?”
  • Multiple choice prompts: “Do you prefer Chrome or Bing?”
  • Yes/No prompts: “Do you think medical writers will still have jobs in five years?”
  • Ranking prompts: “Rank these AI writing tools from most to least popular.”
  • Scenario prompts: “What should I do if my client doesn’t like my first draft?”
  • Comparative prompts: “What are the differences between and”
  • Prediction prompts: “What do you think will be the most popular AI writing tool in the next 3 years?”
AI Prompts for Schools

ChatGPT Prompts For Students

ChatGPT Prompts For School-Students

1. To Write an Essay on the Specified Title

If you want the ChatGPT bot to write an essay for you with the required title, you just need to enter- “write an essay on “title” in 1000 words” and yes, your essay will be given as an output within the given number of words in a proper format.

e.g The Environment

2. To Have Some Ideas on Science Projects

If you want to work on a project and you don’t have ideas in your mind, this is where you can ask ChatGPT to give you some ideas so that you can work on it. Just simply type – “Suggest me some ideas on science projects”, and you can see the desired output.

3. To Understand Any Concept in Maths

If you’re not too good at Maths and want to understand any concept, you can ask ChatGPT to make it clear to you with the help of an example. You can simply give the prompt as “guide me through the concept of “concept_name” in maths with the help of an example”.

e.g integration

4. To Understand a Problem Statement

If you’re stuck on any problem and want to have a clear understanding of it, you can ask for help from ChatGPT and it will instantly reply to you with the answer. You can give the prompt like – “Can you give me an example of how to solve a trigonometry problem?

5. To Understand Any Scientific Term

If you’re a science student and want to understand any term which seems to be tough for you to understand, just type- “explain me the concept of photosynthesis” and you get the output.

ChatGPT Prompts For Engineering Graduates

6. To Create a Web Application

If you’re a newbie in the developing field, and wondering how to create a web application, you can ask ChatGPT to create it for you in minutes. Just type the prompt – “create a simple web application using JavaScript”.

7. To Find a Procedure to Find the Bug in the Code

If you want to find a bug in the given sample code, ChatGPT can help you in finding it with the prompt being – “procedure to find the bug in the sample code”.

8. To Implement a Feature in the Application

If you’re working on any project and want to implement any feature be it a button, icon, etc. Instead of going through different websites and finding a solution, you can get an idea from ChatGPT to create a code to implement that feature. Give the prompt – “Implement a button using JavaScript”

9. To Create a REST API Endpoint using NodeJS and Express

You can create a RESTAPI endpoint for web applications using Node.js and Express. Just type the prompt as – “Create a RESTAPI endpoint for application using Nodejs and express”.

10. To Develop a Web Application using JavaScript

You can ask ChatGPT to develop an architecture for web applications using JavaScript. Just type the prompt – “develop an architecture for web application using JavaScript

ChatGPT Prompts For Career

11. Create a Resume

You can create an amazing resume using ChatGPT, which can be used to grab a high-paying job. You can type this ChatGPT prompt to get a wonderful resume – “create a wonderful resume to get a high-paying job”

12. Interview Questions For Some Role

When you’re going to apply for a job interview, it’s important that you must know some of the common interview questions to grab that job, hence you can find interview questions for any job role. The prompt can be – “Interview questions for web developers

13. Steps to Become a “role”

Suppose, you want to become a machine learning engineer and you’re unaware of the steps required to become one, you can simply type the command as “steps required to become a machine learning engineer”

14. Skills Required to Become a “role”

You can also get to know the skills required to become a machine learning engineer through the ChatGPT prompt by simply giving the command as – “skills required to become a machine learning engineer

15. Interview Experiences of Learners of

Get to know the interview experiences from industry experts of different companies and learn from them so that you will get an idea of how to crack a tech interview. Just type the command as – “interview experience of learners in FAANG”.

ChatGPT Prompts For Games

16. Play Truth or Lie

You can also play a game with ChatGPT by just giving some commands to the bot and it replies back instantly with a response. The prompt can be – “let’s play truth or lie”

17. To Play Hangman

You can also play this amazing game called – “hangman” and enjoy it in your free time. The prompt can be – Play Hangman with me

18. Playing a General Game

Also, there’s an interesting game called “Would you rather”, you can play this game with ChatGPT where you’ve to give two options and the bot responds with anyone favorable outcome. The prompt can be – “Let’s play ‘Would you rather?’. I’ll give you two options and you have to choose which one you would prefer”.

ChatGPT Prompts For Fun

19. Crack a Joke

If you’re bored and want to hear a joke, you can ask the bot for some jokes that could refresh your mind. The prompt can be – “Crack me a joke”

20. Create a Movielist 

You can ask the bot to create a movie list according to your needs, and the bot is ready with the output. The prompt for creating a movie list is – “Create a movie list of new movies”