AI Prompts for Schools

ChatGPT Prompts For Teachers

ChatGPT Prompts For Teacher Productivity

List To Tables: “Turn this list into a table.”

Add Emojis: “Add emojis to this text for an email.”

Shorten Or Simplify Text: “Simplify this text passage for a [#] grade audience.”

Highlight Key Information: “Underline key points of this passage.”

Organize Info Into A-List: “Organize the following information into a list.”

ChatGPT Prompts For Lesson Planning

Historical Role-Play: “Imagine you are a key figure during the Renaissance. Write a conversation between you and another historical figure discussing your contributions to art/science/philosophy.”

Science Mystery: “Write a short story where students follow clues related to the scientific method to solve a mystery or uncover a scientific discovery.”

Math Scavenger Hunt: “Create a list of math problems based on real-life scenarios for a scavenger hunt activity. Each problem leads students to the next clue.”

Interactive Geography Quiz: “Develop an interactive geography quiz where students ask questions about countries, and ChatGPT provides answers. Students guess the country and its features.”

Literary Character Interview: “Have students prepare questions as if they were interviewing a character from a book. Use ChatGPT to respond from the character’s perspective.”

Language Learning Simulation: “Design a simulation where students can ‘travel’ to a foreign country and have conversations with locals in the language they’re learning, with ChatGPT playing the role of the local.”

Historical Newspaper Project: “Students write articles about key historical events as if they were reporting in that period. Use ChatGPT to provide additional context and quotes.”

Virtual Art Gallery Tour: “Create an art gallery showcasing famous artworks. Students interact with ChatGPT as a curator, asking about artists, styles, and historical context.”

Virtual Time Machine: “Build a ‘time machine’ activity where students ask ChatGPT to transport them to a historical era. ChatGPT describes the sights, sounds, and experiences of that time.”

Creative Writing Collaborative Story: “Initiate a collaborative story where each student adds a sentence or paragraph to the narrative, with ChatGPT guiding the story’s direction based on student input.”

ChatGPT Prompts For Emails

Emails To Colleagues

Professional Development Sharing: “Share insights from the recent workshop/conference you attended and discuss how it can benefit our teaching practices.”

Collaborative Project Proposal: “Propose a joint project or activity that our classes can work on together, and outline the goals and logistics.”

Lesson Plan Exchange: “Offer to exchange lesson plans or teaching resources that have worked well in your classroom.”

Meeting Agenda and Reminder: “Outline the agenda for our upcoming meeting and remind colleagues to review any materials beforehand.”

Congratulatory Note: “Send a note congratulating a colleague on an accomplishment or milestone, such as a publication or successful event.”

Emails To Parents

Student Progress Update: “Provide an update on your student’s academic progress, behavior, and recent achievements.”

Upcoming Event Details: “Share details about an upcoming school event, field trip, or parent-teacher conference, including dates, times, and expectations.”

Homework and Assignment Summary: “Summarize the week’s homework assignments, upcoming tests, and any important due dates.”

Request for Support: “Reach out to parents for volunteer support or donations for a class project, event, or fundraiser.”

Positive Feedback: “Share a specific instance of your student’s excellent performance or behavior in class to celebrate their achievements.”

Emails To Students

Assignment Clarification: “Clarify instructions for an upcoming assignment, providing step-by-step guidance and expectations.”

Study Tips and Resources: “Share study tips and additional resources to help students prepare for an upcoming test or project.”

Encouragement and Motivation: “Send a motivational email to boost students’ confidence and inspire them to reach their goals.”

Deadline Reminder: “Remind students about upcoming assignment due dates, along with any tips for time management and staying organized.”

Feedback and Improvement: “Provide constructive feedback on a recent assignment and offer suggestions for improvement.”

ChatGPT Prompts For Vocabulary

Word Association Game: “Provide a word, and ask students to come up with as many related words as possible. Use ChatGPT to validate their responses and introduce new related words.”

Contextual Sentences: “Give students a list of vocabulary words. Have them create sentences using these words, and then use ChatGPT to review and provide feedback on the sentences.”

Synonym and Antonym Exploration: “Present a vocabulary word and ask students to provide synonyms and antonyms. ChatGPT can help verify their answers and suggest additional synonyms/antonyms.”

Descriptive Paragraphs: “Assign students a vocabulary word and have them write descriptive paragraphs incorporating the word. ChatGPT can provide examples of such paragraphs.”

Vocabulary Stories: “Challenge students to create short stories that incorporate a set of vocabulary words. Use ChatGPT to help refine the stories and expand on their vocabulary usage.”

Word Puzzles and Riddles: “Create vocabulary-based puzzles, anagrams, or riddles. Students solve them and then discuss the meaning of the words with the help of ChatGPT.”

Vocabulary in Real-Life Context: “Share news articles, excerpts from literature, or real-world scenarios containing target vocabulary. Discuss the context and meaning with ChatGPT.”

Word Exploration Webquest: “Assign students a vocabulary word and have them research its origins, etymology, and various meanings. ChatGPT can provide additional insights.”

Vocabulary Charades: “Choose vocabulary words and have students act them out in a game of charades. ChatGPT can assist in generating clues for the words.”

Vocabulary Journal: “Assign each student a vocabulary word to explore throughout the week. Have them keep a vocabulary journal with definitions, sentences, and synonyms.”

ChatGPT Prompts For Bellwork

Word of the Day: “Introduce a new word each day and ask students to define it, use it in a sentence, and identify synonyms and antonyms.”

Quick Math Challenge: “Present a math problem that reviews a concept from the previous lesson. Students solve it within a time limit.”

Inference Exercise: “Share a short paragraph with implicit information. Ask students to make inferences about the characters, setting, or events.”

Grammar Corrections: “Provide a sentence with grammatical errors. Have students identify and correct the errors.”

Vocabulary Crossword Clue: “Give a list of clues for vocabulary words. Students complete a mini crossword puzzle with the target words.”

Quick Science Fact: “Share an intriguing science fact or trivia related to the current unit of study. Ask students to reflect on its significance.”

Geography Snapshot: “Display a map snippet of a specific location. Students label major landmarks, cities, or geographical features.”

Historical Time Capsule: “Present a picture or excerpt from a historical period. Students write a short paragraph imagining life during that time.”

Creative Writing Prompt: “Provide the beginning of a story or a writing prompt. Students continue the story or respond creatively.”

Question of the Day: “Pose a thought-provoking question about the upcoming lesson. Students brainstorm ideas and share their thoughts.”

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